Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship of people who suffer from the disease of addiction. We are a global committee-based organization offering recovery from the effects of addiction through working a twelve-step program including regular attendance at group meetings. The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an on going support network for addicts who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle. We meet on regular basis to help each other stay clean and share our experience, strength, and hope.
Our name, Narcotics Anonymous, is not meant to imply a focus on any particular drug; NA’s approach makes no distinction between drugs including alcohol. Membership is free, and we have no affiliation with any organization outside of NA including governments, religions, law enforcement group, medical and psychiatric associations.
If you think you have a drug problem, please call one of our Area Helplines, or come to one of our meetings. If you are a professional seeking more information, please visit the NA World Services Resources for Professionals web page.

The California Mid-State Region of Narcotics Anonymous is in the Heart of the Great Central Valley of California. The Region runs from Lodi in the North to Porterville in the South and from the Gold Rush towns of the Sierras in the East and to the edge of the Coastal Range in the West. Our Region is comprised of Eight Areas encompassing the Counties of San Joaquin, Calaveras, Amador, Tuolumne, Mariposa, Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Merced, Kings and Stanislaus. These eight areas are: Central California; Central Sierra; Central Sierra South; Central Valley North; Foothills; Kings-Tulare; Gold Country & Stanislaus Valley Groups.